Creating an SVN mirror
If you haven’t had the pleasure of working with a distributed version control system such as Mercurial or Git, you may find that it necessary to take some manual steps to set up a mirror of your repository. For SVN, this process isn’t well integrated into the system itself, but there are tools we can…
Resizing a Solaris partition
This was originally worked out when I had to resize a Solaris 10 partition under VMware, but it applies equally to native Solaris installs too! WARNING: This only really works, if you have one partition. This should be true if you’re using VMware, and for the majority of Solaris installations. Partition, here, is in the…
Dynamically loading modules in Python
Have you wanted to load modules, when you didn’t know their name? I recently came across this problem while refactoring GoogleBot (my IRC bot). I wanted to place loadable modules in a directory, and have them all loaded, without having to know what they are named. A good fellow called Issac at work helped me…
Clever advertising
I was standing around Ironforge tonight, about to log out of World of Warcraft, when gnomes started falling from the sky. “Huh, that’s never happened before”, I thought. As it happens, the gnomes were falling in a very particular pattern, and when they landed they died, leaving their bodies on the ground in pre-determined spots.…
New Heroes flowchart!
Please see below
It has been updated as of Season 1 Episode 21, “Now The Hard Part”. A couple of errors were corrected from the previous version also. Enjoy!
Heroes relationship flowchart
Heroes is an amazing show, which seems to manage incredible plot twists every week, linking old characters in new way. Quite often the newly uncovered relationships change the dynamic of the plot and you just have to see what will happen next week
I thought it was time to create a relationship flow chart,…
Best burger ever
The following transpired at a Carl’s Jr restaurant a few minutes ago, after I got the urge for a late meal: Me: Hi, I’d like a Bacon Cheese Six Dollar Burger combo please Guy: Sure, medium or large? What would you like to drink? Me: Medium with a coke please.. and can you make that…
Two Stargate SG-1 movies confirmed
This was suggested here in my last blog entry, and executive producer Brad Wright has now confirmed in an interview with TV Guide magazine that two straight-to-DVD movies have been given the green light. More news as we hear it…
Second Stargate movie on it’s way?
Warning, here be spoilers! On Friday, August 18th, The Sci-Fi Channel aired the 200th episode of Stargate SG-1. The show itself was fantastic, and a must see for anyone who missed it. I won’t give anything from the first 35 mins of the show away. Well, except to say the Martin Lloyd is back and…
Phil Gordon comes to Google!
Phil Gordon, WSOP final table, World Poker Tour champion and former host of Celebrity Poker Showdown came to Google on Friday. We had our annual company picnic at the Shoreline Amphitheater, it was pretty decent. One of the highlights was a 150 person no-limit Texas hold ’em tournament. I don’t know how they pulled it…