
The road to DevOps.

Category: Life sux

  • Damn

    It’s almost 3am, and I’m back in California. And I can’t sleep. And I found out my car has a flat tire. And life sux. Sigh.

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  • Sickness sicks

    My sister-in-law and nephew have been slightly sick recently, but they all have pretty good immune systems it seems. I, on the other hand, weigh in at 135lbs and 5′ 10″ tall. I do not have a great immune system. In fact I have such a bad immune system, that I would currently lose a…

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  • Powerbooks, and what happens when they stop working

    It sucks, that’s what happens. It really bloody well sucks. So here I am, 3am, reading an advisory to upgrade iTunes and Quicktime due to known vulnerabilities. I start the software update… it runs, and runs, and runs. Eventually it asks if I’d like to reboot. I say yes, it says “Nu uh”. Anyone want…

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  • User Unfriendly

    What the fuck happened in the last month?! Everything has gone to hell. I’ve had to come back to LA twice! Not only that, but they upgraded the software on my DVR. Now it likes to enter “power saving mode” at random times. WTF?? If it misses a single recording as a result I’ll be…

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  • Friday!

    Another busy morning. Kevinb left for his Africa Adventure today, so we’re down a man for the next month. Plus with me going to Idaho for a week people here are going to be stretched quiet thing this month. I’m sure it’ll be over soon I’m not looking forward to Brandy and the kids moving…

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