
The road to DevOps.

Category: Movies

  • Two Stargate SG-1 movies confirmed

    This was suggested here in my last blog entry, and executive producer Brad Wright has now confirmed in an interview with TV Guide magazine that two straight-to-DVD movies have been given the green light. More news as we hear it…

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  • Second Stargate movie on it’s way?

    Warning, here be spoilers! On Friday, August 18th, The Sci-Fi Channel aired the 200th episode of Stargate SG-1. The show itself was fantastic, and a must see for anyone who missed it. I won’t give anything from the first 35 mins of the show away. Well, except to say the Martin Lloyd is back and…

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  • Schindler’s List

    I had not watched this movie through from start to end before tonight. Having just done so, it is leaving me with troubled thoughts. I cannot believe the world we live in has hardly changed for over 60 years. People are still murdered en masse by self-rightious butchers on a daily basis. The weak and…

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