
The road to DevOps.

Category: Cars

  • Damn

    It’s almost 3am, and I’m back in California. And I can’t sleep. And I found out my car has a flat tire. And life sux. Sigh.

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  • My first oil change

    Taking this time off work to bond with the new baby has also given me a little time to spend doing the things I enjoy, and things that need to get done around the house. Today I changed the oil filter on the car, and interesting experience to be sure. For anyone else with a…

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  • Major surgery, part 1

    About two weeks ago, the alternator on our car died. Replacing this was a minor task, completed in about an hour. A week later the fuel pump also died, requiring major surgery to repair. The operation took two days of working in near-freezing temperatures. My brother-in-law Jaime came by to do the work, with me…

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