Our new puppy
Ginger went to sleep about a week ago 🙁 Brandy and the kids were incredibly sad, so now we have a new puppy in our house! You can read about her in Brandy’s blog, here.
Net Neutrality in the Senate
The Senate will be discussing it’s own version of the telecommunications reform act, which passed through the House last week. The bill in the Senate differs slightly from the bill that passed the House. The Senate version currently has the FCC doing a study to determine if network operators are deliberately manipulating traffic crossing their…
The House is lost, on to the Senate
A little late, but an update as promised. The COPE act did indeed pass the House, and the net-neutrality amendment was defeated. The short of the story is, that several representatives argued that a neutral Internet would pass too much of the cost of building tomorrow’s networks to consumers. Here’s what I would like to…
Net Neutrality update
Tonight the House voted on the Communications Opportunity, Promotion and Enhancement (COPE) Act of 2006. This Act would create franchises of regions which were previously monopolised by cable companies. The bill would allow telecoms companies to much more easily sell cable programming to customers over their IP networks, for consumers to watch on their computers.…
Net Neutrality
This isn’t a widely read blog (yet), but I’m hoping that someone will read this and get the word out as best as they can. In a few days, a bill will be presented in the House of Representatives, which could have quite serious and lasting repercussions on the Internet. The bill has been lobbied…
The Graduate
The Graduate (1967, Dustin Hoffman) is indeed a classic movie. Parts of it were often used in other shows as a tribute to its greatness, The Simpsons even went so far as to spoof the entire final scene in an episode with Grandpa and Mrs Bouvier in Mrs Bouvier’s Lover. Having said all of this,…
Chav handbag
A friend of mine was on a bus in London recently, when a woman sat down opposite him and proceeded to empty and re-organise her handbag after emptying it on the seat. This is what she took out: A packet of cigarettes A white thong A packet of 3 condoms (extra large) A makeup case…
Best Day Ever
Today has definitely been the best day after the birth of my son: We found a place to move to in Idaho We’re going to get DSL My phone bill was reduced by 25% per month I got Half-Life and CounterStrike working under WINE I had the best game of poker in my life, one…
Shortening URLs in Mailman
Mailman is a great mailing list manager, and tonight I learnt how to implement my own functions. Contrary to the FAQ, there is actually a really good way to extend the functionality of Mailman and it’s quite easy too. Mailman uses python scripts called handlers, which are kept in mailman/Mailman/Handlers/. Each script contains a method…
twisted.web and Method Not Allowed
Today I was developing a little application using Python’s Twisted framework. Everything was going as well as could be expected until I tried to POST some data to the application. “Method Not Allowed Your browser approached me (at /) with the method “POST”. I only allow the methods here.” Googling for the answer, I found…