
The road to DevOps.

Rooting and installing Gapps on Coby 1042 tablet from Linux/OSX

Vacation time is great!

I went into Fry’s today and found they have the Coby 1042 (10.1″, Android 4.0.3) on sale. Normally I don’t pay much attention to the lower end tablets because they miss one or more features I think are pretty critical in a tablet:

  • Capacitive display
  • Fast CPUs
  • SD card slots
  • Ice Cream Sandwich
  • The ability to easily mod/root/extend

The Coby device, however, meets all of these requirements!
And it comes with an HDMI port, full USB port to attach a keyboard and mouse, and a nice soft neoprene sleeve too.


  • Install the Android SDK to get the adb binary
  • Download and decompress have a backup copy if this link stops working)

Rooting the device is beyond trivial.
In the coby_root3 directory is a data directory, which you need to push to your device and then run a few



$> cd coby_root3
$> adb push data /data/local/tmp
$> adb shell chmod 0777 /data/local/tmp/mempodroid
$> adb shell /data/local/tmp/mempodroid 0xd7cc 0xad27 sh /data/local/tmp/

Congratulations! You now have root, and the Superuser app is installed!

Installing Google apps

I tried a variety of things to get Gapps working, most of which just didn’t work. I did manage to get things working with this relatively simple process though.

Go to and download and decompress the file.
Now copy all of the apk files in there to your tablet:

$> cd gapps-ics-20120429-signed
$> adb push system/app /data/local/tmp
$> adb shell 
adb> su -
adb> mount -o remount,rw /system
adb> busybox cp /data/local/tmp/app/* /system/app
adb> exit

Reboot the tablet.

This was enough to get the Google Play store working and I could install Gmail and other apps.

If you have problems, shoot a message and I’ll be happy to try and help.



33 responses to “Rooting and installing Gapps on Coby 1042 tablet from Linux/OSX”

  1. JrColas19 Avatar

    Thanks to you I got this tablet to run the Google Apps.

    Since it’s running ICS, I’m pretty sure it can run Jelly Bean too, but I just wanted to know if you have found any roms for the tablet anywhere.

    If not, maybe I’ll get to be the first one to have a JB rom for it, although it takes a lot of work.

    Thanks again.

    1. Av Avatar

      In theory it should be able to. I haven’t yet found any such ROMs, and apparently Coby aren’t very good at releasing new ROMs for existing tablets. But if you find one, please do let me know!

    2. kenin Avatar

      I am new to android if there is way to install jelly bean on my coby kyros mid 1042 please help me 🙂 I will be so gratefull if email me a way to get jelly bean on my tab at [email protected] 🙂 waiting for your reply thanx. 🙂

      1. Av Avatar

        Hi Kenin, unfortunately I don’t know any way to do that!

  2. Ivan Avatar

    Does it work for Coby MID8042, Android 4.0?

    1. Av Avatar

      Hi Ivan,

      Unfortunately I don’t have a MID8042 so I haven’t been able to test this.

  3. KK Avatar

    What do you do when push fails because the file system is read-only?

  4. Andoks Avatar

    It worked for COBY KYROS MID7030. Genius! Thanks man.

  5. Kosmik Avatar

    Coby MID1042
    all the commands work fine except ….

    adb> busybox cp /data/local/tmp/app/* /system/app

    after executing above command, system returns “write error: no space left on device”.

    df command shows 16B space free on /system. i check my settings->storage->apps and there is about 4GB unused space.

    how should I create sufficient space to copy gapps. thanks for your help.

  6. OutdoorsAndMe Avatar

    I also have a Coby 1042 and have downloaded alll the files u mentioned above.
    Im not a techy person and I dont where to start..
    Can u give me a step by step process on how to root coby 1042 in a much easier method?
    Thank u so much 😉

  7. john dexter b. santos Avatar
    john dexter b. santos

    Will this work on mid7060?

    When I open the “about tablet” the model number shows mid1045

    1. Av Avatar

      I haven’t tested it, so I’m not sure 🙂 Try it at your own risk 🙂

  8. kenny Avatar

    /system/bin/sh: su: not found on coby 7030..what to do?

    1. Av Avatar

      Unfortunately I don’t have a 7030 so I don’t know, but perhaps someone else does!

  9. Prasath Avatar

    how to you “push” the data directory to the device
    should i push the entire coby_root3 folder or just the data folder.
    usually it comes device not found

  10. Prasath Avatar

    i meant how do you

  11. Prasath Avatar

    thanks it worked.i just had to install the driver.

  12. joan Avatar

    Can u give me the easiest way on to install the google apps or google play on coby mid 1042…

  13. Sorin Avatar

    I have the same problem as Kosmik… everything works perfect but the thing with “no space left on the device” … could be a problem with the remounting of /system as a writeble …thing .. ?

  14. Sorin Avatar

    first i thought that i have too many apps installed, and I factory reset-it. after i had no app installed, only android. but the error is still there…
    any ideeas?

    1. Av Avatar

      That’s very odd – how much free space do you have? It should tell you on the “Storage” section in the settings menu.

  15. Soare Avatar

    On the storage I have two internal storages, the first one has a capacity of 1.97gb – free 1.78gb , and the other storage is 4.33gb -free 3,66gb …

    I’v tried to copy them myself from a sdcard into the /system/app folder having superuser permissions to ES File Explorer, but ‘copy failed’

  16. Sorin Avatar

    Sorry about the name its steel me, soare, I was thinking the space problem… soare is my nickname, sorin is my name…

  17. Sorin Avatar

    Sorry I mixt up the name(sorin) with the nickname(soare) its steel me. Sorry.

  18. Sorin Avatar

    Nevermind…. back to space problem.

  19. Sorin Avatar

    Two internal storeges first has 1.7GB free, second 3.66GB free

    1. Av Avatar

      Wow, I’m really stumped. Sorry Sorin, I’m not sure what could be causing that!

      1. Ithamar Avatar

        Hi, if anyone is still wondering about the space issue, the reason is simple. Your storage is split up in several partitions. The important one for apps is he system partition, which holds the builtin android apps, and the data partition (which holds user-installed apps). The “other” builtin storage is the “builtin sdcard”, the storage you see from apps for documents and such.

        Now, the problem is you are trying to install Superuser.apk and such into the system partition, and it seems to have run out of space. You can create some space there by deleting unused parts. One option would be to delete Bluetooth.apk, as I presume your coby device does not have Bluetooth either.

        Look around in /system/app/ for stuff that is *clearly* not relevant, and delete them. Another option would be to remove the E-Book app, as you can install that manually again (and it’ll go on the data partition then, where there’s lots of space).

        Hope this helps!

  20. leo Avatar

    hey dude, can you send me the tutorial in spanish?, or make a video?, i want to root but i don´t understand all de tutorial.

    1. Av Avatar

      Hi Leo,

      Unfortunately I don’t have time to do either. However I would encourage you to ask questions about the things you don’t understand. Use Google to try and answer the question yourself. If that doesn’t work, try one of the big forums like xda-developers or stackoverflow.

      1. Pete Avatar

        I have a 10″ coby that was a gift. It did not work well, slow and sometimes would not boot. Fixed that. I tried downloading apps and it asks for my account info. I entered it and it did not recognize it. Tried creating a new account and it keeps asking “are you sure that is your name” Of course it is but can not get passed that. That means I can not download any apps. When I go directly to Google Store, I can download apps, but I do not get an “open” prompt. It says “installed”, but it does not appear on the apps screen, and can not open them. What could the problem be? How do I fix it? Thanks

  21. Ryan C Avatar
    Ryan C


    It looks like the link is no longer working. You mentioned in the post that you have a copy of this zip file in case the link stops working. Can you find that zip file and re-post it so I can download it?


    -Ryan C.

    1. Av Avatar

      Unfortunately I don’t think I have this any longer 🙁

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