
The road to DevOps.

Month: March 2006

  • Rolling over

    And I missed it by one day! Brandy just said to me about the baby: “Okay so i spoke too soon  he saw something on the bed he liked while i was changing his diaper, put both arms towards it, you could see his tummy flex & over he went   cracked me up!” He is…

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  • Damn

    It’s almost 3am, and I’m back in California. And I can’t sleep. And I found out my car has a flat tire. And life sux. Sigh.

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  • Sickness sicks

    My sister-in-law and nephew have been slightly sick recently, but they all have pretty good immune systems it seems. I, on the other hand, weigh in at 135lbs and 5′ 10″ tall. I do not have a great immune system. In fact I have such a bad immune system, that I would currently lose a…

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  • My first oil change

    Taking this time off work to bond with the new baby has also given me a little time to spend doing the things I enjoy, and things that need to get done around the house. Today I changed the oil filter on the car, and interesting experience to be sure. For anyone else with a…

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