
The road to DevOps.

Month: September 2004

  • Weekend in Idaho

    I’m up in Idaho again this weekend. Bug is sitting next to me on the bed. He’s playing with a Leapfrog piano. He’s learnt that pushing the buttons turns on the music. I feel so proud 🙂

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  • Busy body at work

    We’re under going a pretty massive re-org at EarthLink. Things are all up in the air. Some people thinks it’s a great thing, and others are quite unhappy about it. it’s going to get very interesting in the next few weeks. I’m trying to keep myself busy, find new cool things to do. Apparently I’m…

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  • Schindler’s List

    I had not watched this movie through from start to end before tonight. Having just done so, it is leaving me with troubled thoughts. I cannot believe the world we live in has hardly changed for over 60 years. People are still murdered en masse by self-rightious butchers on a daily basis. The weak and…

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