
The road to DevOps.

Category: Family

  • It’s been a bad day. Please don’t take a picture..

    I love ignorance. It gives me something to vent my frustrations at. I spent a significant part of today arguing with a friend who has taken the view that everything American is bad. Unfortuantely it seems everything he knows is very biased. I’m not quite sure what to do with that. I’m trying to open…

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  • It’s getting closer

    Damn, what a morning. It started off busy, picked up in the middle and then just fell apart at the end. Thank God it’s time to go home. I’m outta here! Need to spend as much time as I can with Bug 🙂

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  • Da Bug

    Before I went to sleep last night, I watched Bug, probably for a good 5 minutes. It amazed me that something so perfect could come from me. I think I’m going to stay amazed, at least for a while. Hmmmmm. I’m so tired today. I stayed up too late and had no energy. I did…

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  • Sleep is for the strong

    What a day. I wasted it all asleep. Now I have no energy! Woke up to a nice smile and people wanting me to cook. That was really nice 🙂 Stargate Atlantis started tonight with a two hour episode. From the looks of things it’s going to turn out to be a great show. I’m…

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  • Friday!

    Another busy morning. Kevinb left for his Africa Adventure today, so we’re down a man for the next month. Plus with me going to Idaho for a week people here are going to be stretched quiet thing this month. I’m sure it’ll be over soon I’m not looking forward to Brandy and the kids moving…

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  • Start.

    Joseph is 8 months, 1 week and a day old today. When he was born last November, I said I would start my own diary. It’s taken me 8 months to do it. Doesn’t bode well for the future! What made me do it? Listening to Father and Son (the cover by Boyzone, not the…

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