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Two Stargate SG-1 movies confirmed

This was suggested here in my last blog entry, and executive producer Brad Wright has now confirmed in an interview with TV Guide magazine that two straight-to-DVD movies have been given the green light.

More news as we hear it…



2 responses to “Two Stargate SG-1 movies confirmed”

  1. […] My friend has been raving about the two upcoming Starget SG-1 movies in his blog posts… His latest blog post, GooGeeky » Blog Archive » Two Stargate SG-1 movies confirmed, claims confirmation that it is actually happening. I hope so because I loved the first Stargate movie. While I have not had the time to follow the television series, I have glanced a few episodes and found them entertaining. I hope the movies are good. […]

  2. Av Avatar

    Hey dude! It looks like the movies have been provisionally approved by MGM.
    They’re going to make one or two direct-to-DVD movies in the near future.

    SG1 has been canceled, effective at the end of the current season (10). The movies will be produced shortly after this.
    In a way I’m glad they’re going direct-to-DVD. It meas there isn’t as mch pressure from producers etc to make a quick buck, and they can afford to take a little time and do them *right* 🙂

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