Month: April 2006
Best Day Ever
Today has definitely been the best day after the birth of my son: We found a place to move to in Idaho We’re going to get DSL My phone bill was reduced by 25% per month I got Half-Life and CounterStrike working under WINE I had the best game of poker in my life, one…
Shortening URLs in Mailman
Mailman is a great mailing list manager, and tonight I learnt how to implement my own functions. Contrary to the FAQ, there is actually a really good way to extend the functionality of Mailman and it’s quite easy too. Mailman uses python scripts called handlers, which are kept in mailman/Mailman/Handlers/. Each script contains a method…
twisted.web and Method Not Allowed
Today I was developing a little application using Python’s Twisted framework. Everything was going as well as could be expected until I tried to POST some data to the application. “Method Not Allowed Your browser approached me (at /) with the method “POST”. I only allow the methods here.” Googling for the answer, I found…